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23 May 2011
   I gather the information from the indirect and direct accusations in public and from the music videos and other media for more than 10 years.   The outstanding groups who accused me are the AIT (Microsoft association's company) staff and Bew family and Hui (120/108 Chomthong 8 Lane who was the secret wife of the politician Korn (Gone) Tapparangsri who has the cousins in the military).  I heard that these people are supported by some military,  some politicians, some police.  I heard Bew's family told others that he was sued to pay over 200000 bahts for accusing me to be the prostitute in the internet long time ago and Hui with many military officers made up the wedding party at her home to fool the other neighbors some times ago which make me believe that there are some military or military's wives support Bew and Hui family.  I heard that Bew family and Hui family are the ones who tried to make people in the public misunderstanding each others so they are separated in many groups with some conflicts, however, they are forced or because of the trade benefit or some threatens or lies, all the groups are joined or switch the groups, I really do not know, I just guess.  The following music videos and movie can make me guess of what topics of the matters but the correct details I do not know.  From my childhood till now my family and cousins are bullied by some hidden evil groups who use the science as the black magic and spirits all the times but now the evil groups use Bew's family and Hui family at Chomthong 8 and other people to accuse us and trying very hard to make us to be the victims.

Photos:  2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 31, 32

The human-doll, or human-zombie or human robots are concerned with some cruelties by making the person to be floating on the air or atmosphere that the person cannot stand; it's like the person in the higher place and there is not enough air to breath.   From my real experience, it's not only the difficulty in breathing but  sometimes I felt it's like I am going to expose.  I cannot stand some sounds and surroundings; it's something like every one's wordings are the commands that I have to follow and the wordings and situations that someone made can make me lost my real self or soul.  I have the head ache all the time which make it difficult to find the happiness in the life.  For me good music humungous medias can help me to save my soul or my consciousness with me and make me less or no  head ache all the time.  I cannot have the normal life like others as I have to control the surroundings to suit me, although I am conscious and happy now,I can still be disable, unconscious or mad from the surroundings, air, atmosphere or some sounds if I do not control the surrounding or everything around me.  From the color of the Blonde band clothes, it implies that the human-zombie or human-robot concern with the military.  Some singers' faces are look like me, my family and my friend or my friend's family.

Photos 1-24
They imply that the matter concern with The 3rd world war.    The sun , bridge, Eifel tower, Steel and lignite mining, airport, jet, copper field. Human-zombie, human-robot.
Photo 5, the face of the female actor is look like my convent's principle who is the Catholic nun, french native.  She is very good and strict nun; very kind person.   She must be accused by someone concerning the copper field.  The gesture of the boy was me but it's the different story.  When I saw her planting the garden at the convent alone, I offered her some help.  The boy name is 'David' in the movie; my ex-boss in gem business also named 'David', although he used to referred me with incorrect information to someone, that is the personal matter, maybe someone lied to him about me; I notice sometimes he has the same problem as mine, he's in the state of blank-brain).  He is the good person and used to be in the mineral and gold mining business and his parents in the real estate business in California.  He's from California.  I guess he must be accused concerning with the copper field and real estate.  
The another U.S. politician who is the grandfather of the U.S. Man who is the real estate, who are attacked by Microsoft (Mark Penn + Mr. and Mrs. Clinton) for many years, also have the staff named David in higher position in real estate business.   I guess they want to make other people misunderstand both Davids by secretly accusing both Davids to be the victims.  It's obvious to see that the main target for them is to make the another U.S. politician man and his grandson who is in the real estate business to be the victims in very serious cases.

Photo: 9        Juke box jive.  
The singer imitated my dance and gestures and wearing the pendant 'A' shape, the shape of Eifel tower
Photo: 20       Lab-lae town in Lam pang province, northern Thailand.    The photo concern with human-robot, human-doll and invincible.  Lam pang province is well-know for Lignite mineral.
Photo: 1,21, 22, 23       Flash dance
The movie concerned with iron mining, Alexander, weld, madness.   The actor's face look like me when I was the kid and she imitated some of my gestures.  Photo 25  Alexander Ragtime band
Rag in Thai language means 'love'.   Teresa's clothes look like mine.  Some of Teresa's gestures and dances look like mine playing with friends when I was the kid.

Photo 1, 26 - 30, 61-65
From the music videos and lyrics, many countries have this problem in the past till now such as Norway and Brazil (the problem of human-doll, human-zombie or human-robot with their citizens ).  The music videos imply that there is are there are invincible ancient satellites in the sky outside the world that concerning with the human-robot.   Any one can be made as the human-zombie or human-doll by these satellites and that people will have something like the invincible hats on their heads.   They seem to concern with the gravity, earth and world momentum,  lightning, the bridge, water, and the reflections too.  Hat = Ring

Photos: 33 - 50
The faces + clothes + hair styles + accessories look like me from the very young kid to 20+ years old.  They seem to be concerned with the reflections + the sun + from the sky + on the blocks + sleeping inside.

Photos:  51-59
The Eagles band's clothes were as same as mine.   Joe Walsh's face is changed (I guess he has the same problem with mine, photos 56-59)

Photos:  60
While I was watching this video, Bew's family and his old groups many years ago shouted something.  I guess the threat that the evil groups threaten the dynasties around the world concerning THE SUN will not shine and the planet of Venus.    Frida = Friday.  Friday in Thai language = Venus
Bew's family used to run and shout in front of my residence many years ago and said ' will be on fire' I guess Bew's family and his previous evil groups' boss threaten my family and my cousins concerning ' the house, firm or factory will be on fire'. 
It's useless to hope that the illegal Prime minister Apisit will do something as he obeyed the evil groups.  

Photo 66 is also concerned with the sun.  The singer's dimples and clothes were as same as mine.

Photo 61 Mad in the state of dreaming and mad in the state of unconscious, brain system maybe or may not be damaged.

I used to have both experiences.  It's not occurred to me alone;  there are in the movies + cartoons + other medias and other people real lives.   It seems to be the same pattern; it's like someone can write the brain program to be mad and can put this program to anyone's brain system; similar to put  the computer programs in the robots; it's something like someone can create any situation in other people's brains and the people whose brains are controlled will be like they are sleeping and dreaming and sometimes they are unconscious and do not know at all what have happened while they are  unconscious. 
For me I knew that I was mad many times from my mother relating the story to the doctor (I ran out of the house without any reason and they had to follow me) and from other conversations that I heard in the public.  ( there is no violence or crime commitment, just  like the ordinary mad people in the public places ).
From my real experience, I think it's necessary to take the medicines from the doctors  at the beginning state for short period and then use the cheerful music for daytime (mp3) and Chinese musical instruments relaxing music before sleeping and watching clean funny media to heal  every day, for me it works well, I recovered to the normal state rapidly, and sometimes when I feel like I cannot stand some sounds, it's like I'm going to expose because of the high pressure in the air or atmosphere, something like that, I will use the additional ear protection headphone that the engineers use.  The another reason that it works well for me, I think it's because I am the person who appreciate the music.  It's necessary to exercise every part of the body every day because during that sick period, I could feel that the system inside the body gone wrong.  For me I used aerobic dancing; ancient (Thai hermit) stretching and breathing (using the inner strength to exercise heart and brain. (it works well only when body is lied on the floor; sitting and standing postures do not seem to work; yoka exercise.

photo 68 The early human beings (small group) in Thailand = Aborigines
My lip is going to be like the photo 68  (the lip will be thicker).   I think the way I speak will be like photo 70 (male) as my throat is pull up every day.  I have to exercise everyday. 

Photos 69, 71
I'm the human being.  I'm not alien, E.T., or robot or machine as the evil groups lie and fool Thai people for many years.   I use the word human-robot, human-doll to indicate that the evil groups want to make and already made some of  the human beings to become the robots or dolls or zombies by the invincible advance technologies.

Photos: 72-77 (they imitated my gestures or imitated the clothes).
I played various sports for fun and exercise only.  The skill was like the ordinary small kid; I did not know the sport rules and regulations; just for fun and exercise as my legs and arms are not strong. I do not have the extra-power; the ads, music videos and movies use the special effects.   When I played the sports, my gestures were not beautiful like the movie stars and popular sports players.   I do not play sports anymore because my eyes have some problems since I was young;  The eyes nerves become hard and cannot move fast.  When I watch the sports on the television or computer, I will vomit.
Photo 75, I have the problem with the neck nerve since I was young, when I walk I have to lower my head otherwise I will fall down when I walk, which make me often hit my head with the posts on the streets.

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